Ads Policy

1. Ads Policy General

2. Unlawful Activity

3. Terms Changes

4. Contact Us

1. Ads Policy General

Nile Ads, LLC provides its service using its online web portal, ( Its services are 100% FREE. website visitors or services users are required to abide by this NileAds, LLC.’s “Ads Policy”, the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.This Ads Policy was last updated on August 20, 2015.Please carefully read this Ads Policy before using our services.

2. Unlawful Activity

Using our Site or service for the following activities are strictly prohibited. For any reason, if individuals or groups are found to be involved in one of these actives, we will take all appropriate actions in accordance with applicable law. We also report to and work with local, regional and country law enforcement offices for the same.

  • Irresponsibly using our Site or services
  • Illegal activities which undermine law and order of the country and its citizens
  • Child or under-age trafficking
  • Drug, controlled substance, ammunition smuggling or trafficking
  • Phonographs (child or adults)
  • Defamation of other individual or groups for any reason
  • Discrimination of individual or groups based on age, caste, disability, employment, language, nationality, race or ethnicity, region, religious beliefs, sex, gender, and gender identity, sexual orientation, drug use, medical condition or others
  • Fraudulent activities like scamming (cheat or defraud) or money laundering

3. Terms Changes

We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to modify or replace this Ads Policy at any time. The Ads Policy can be updated at any time without prior notice and any changes will be determined at our sole discretion.You are advised to review this Ads Policy periodically for any changes.

4. Contact Us

If you have any questions about these Ads Policy, please contact us at the below link  Contact Us